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HomeProject Work
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Evolving Documentation with the Children

Documenting our Learning

Project Work

Project-based learning helps children develop problem solving skills, critical thinking, and a love of learning. Our curriculum is based around both short and long-term projects where topics of investigation are born from the children's innate interests and teachers' observations.

We strive to promote creative thinking through collaboration and problem solving as children take ownership of their investigations and drive their project work. While our children take an active role in the development of the project, the teacher is the facilitator and guide for their learning. Educators start the path the children embark upon based on the children's interests and development. The children then influence the different pathways and forks in the road along the journey.

We strive to promote creative thinking through collaboration and problem solving as children take ownership of their investigations and drive their project work.
Throughout the process, our teachers advance the project work with the children by observing the ways in which the children are learning and what continues to pique their interests. We also use experts within our parent community, neighborhood, and the outside world to collaborate with our students on their project work. Over the course of the year, much time and space is given to the process and to revisiting and reflecting together on the work the children and educators are doing. This gives a deep sense of agency and ownership to the children over their own capabilities and knowledge.

Past Projects Include

  • Building and planting a Stretch community garden
  • A study of empathy and building kindness within a classroom community
  • Designing and building a boat
  • Mapping, particularly focusing on the Presidio and San Francisco
  • Building a fairy house out of natural materials using the Design Thinking method
  • Caring for and learning about how to take care of a class pet hermit crab
  • A study of food and where it comes from with help from employees at Pizzeria Delfina
  • A study on identity and what it means to be you

At Stretch, children feel a sense of ownership
in their projects and become mini-experts. -Stretch Parent

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